Aldi Near Me


If you are seeking to locate Aldi near me, this page is a perfect spot for you to do this in a quick and easy way. Aldi is an international, German-based chain of supermarkets, which currently operates 11,235 stores in 20 countries. At the present time, there are 890 Aldi supermarkets in operation in the United Kingdom.

Aldi Locations Near Me: View on the Map

In fact, you are able to find Aldi near me in a quick and easy way. So, all you need to do is to browse this map and find the company’s stores in your neighborhood:

At the present time, there are around 11,235 Aldi stores in 20 countries. In fact, the company has two headquarters: Essen, Germany (for Aldi Nord) and Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany (for Aldi Süd). In the UK, it is Aldi Süd that has operated in the country since 1990 and currently has around 890 locations.

Namely, here you can see the number of Aldi stores in each country and which company operates them:

  • Germany: 2,206 stores (Aldi Nord) and 1,920 (Aldi Süd).
  • Australia: 565 stores (Aldi Süd).
  • Austria: 520 stores
  • Belgium: 447 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • China: 15 stores (Aldi Süd)
  • Denmark: 182 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • France: 1,407 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • Hungary: 140 stores
  • Ireland: 140 stores (Aldi Süd)
  • Italy: 128 stores
  • Luxembourg: 10 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • Netherlands: 492 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • Poland: 150 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • Portugal: 80 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • Slovenia: 80 stores
  • Spain: 350 stores (Aldi Nord)
  • Switzerland: 210 stores
  • United Kingdom: 890 stores (Aldi Süd)
  • United States: 1,992 stores (Aldi Süd) and 516 stores (Aldi Nord, or Trader Joe’s).

Find Aldi Near Me By Postcode

Are you looking for a grocery store that is low in price, but high in quality? Look no further than Aldi. Actually, you can find an Aldi near you by entering your postcode into the Store Locator on their website. The nearest location will be displayed along with its address, contact information and hours of operation.

In order to access the official store locator from Aldi, just click on the following button:


Instructions on How to Find Aldi Near Me

Are you having trouble searching Aldi locations near me? This helpful manual was created with the purpose to assist you in finding the nearest Aldi stores in an easy and quick way. So, just follow these instructions and look up the nearest supermarkets of this company.

Find your nearest Aldi store on the map. If you wish to see the nearest Aldi supermarkets in your neighborhood, just look at the map above. There, you will notice quite a few red symbols, and they mark Aldi stores in that area. So, you can browse that map and see which store suits your needs best and is most convenient for you.

Choose a different area on the map. The map is displaying a different area than the one you would like to search for Aldi locations? In that case, you need to correct it by clicking on “View Larger Map.” On the next page, you can browse the map and find the area you need. In order to look up the nearest Aldi locations in that area, just click on the “Search this area” button.

Obtain contact information about a select Aldi store. Looking for extra details about a certain Aldi supermarket? In such a case, you need just to select that supermarket on the map above – click on its red symbol there. Then, you will get to view the store’s address and other info. If you need even more details about that store, click on “View Larger Map.”

Get directions to your nearest Aldi store with Google Maps. Having trouble reaching an Aldi store you have just located? If so, you can build a route to that store: just select that store on the map and click on the “Directions” button. On the following page, you should provide the starting location of your journey and, after that, see the detailed route to that place.

Check the opening times of a specific Aldi supermarket. Are you in need to check the opening times of a select supermarket? Then, select that supermarket on the map and click on “View Larger Map.” Right then, you will get to view a large Google Maps opening up in your browser – you can see the opening times of that store right there.

Use your Google account to save an Aldi store location. Indeed, Google Maps is a perfect tool for saving locations for a later use, and you can utilize it to save a certain Aldi location. To do this, click on the red mark of that store on the map, click on “View Larger Map”, and click on the “Save” button on the next page. At the end, you need just to choose to which folder or category you would like it to be saved.

Read reviews from customers about the Aldi store that interests you. Actually, Google Maps is a tool that allows you to see what customers think about Aldi stores. For that, you need just to select a store that interests you. Then, click on “No. reviews” and get to read customer reviews about that supermarket on the following page. That’s it.

Use the official store locator to find Aldi near me by postcode. If you’re looking for your nearest Aldi store, we’ll show you how to find via their official locator! To first locate your desired location, please click on the button above and search by city or postcode on that page. Once you’ve found the right city, click on “Show stores near me” and enter your address. This will give directions to all of the nearby Aldi locations as well as their hours of operation.

The Company’s History

Aldi is the discount grocery store that was founded in Essen over 80 years ago by Karl and Theo Albrecht. Yet, the roots of this company can be traced back to 1913, when their mother opened a small store in a suburb of Essen. The Albrecht brothers took charge of the mother’s business in 1945, just after the end of the WWII, and they opened a new retail outlet soon thereafter.

By 1950, the brothers were already operated 13 supermarkets in the Ruhr Valley. Back then, their idea was to cut the costs as much as possible by removing the unsold products quickly.

Aldi Near Me

On October 15th, 1960, Karl and Theo Albrecht split the company in half over a dispute about it was worth to sell cigarettes in their stores. Theo believed there would be less shoplifting if they did not sell cigarettes, while his brother disagreed. As of 1962, both stores had 300 shops. At that time, their brand was changed from Albrecht-Diskont to Aldi—short for Albrecht Discount.

At the present time, there are 11,235 Aldi stores in 20 countries – and 890 supermarkets in the United Kingdom in particular. Actually, both Aldi companies are headquartered in Germany, though in different cities.

However, it is quite remarkable that there are only two countries in which both companies operate: Germany (but here they avoid competing with each other by having stores only in the north and south respectively) and United States (here they compete between each other). In the United States, however, one of the companies utilizes the “Trader Joe’s” brand, while the other uses the commonly known Aldi brand.

Actually, you may need to look up the Aldi opening times, too.

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