Lidl Near Me


Are you searching Lidl near me? Then, this page is a perfect spot for you to view the nearest Lidl locations in the United Kingdom. At the present time, this Germany-based discount grocery chain operates 762 supermarkets of different formats in the UK.

Lidl Locations Near Me: View on the Map

Are you seeking to locate Lidl near me? For that purpose, we suggest you to use the following map in order to find the closest Lidl supermarkets in your neighborhood:

In fact, this Germany-based discount grocery chain operates around 11,200 supermarkets in Europe and the United States. Particularly, the company has 762 locations in the United Kingdom. It is worth to note, however, that Lidl is the main competitor of Aldi – you can find Aldi near me, as well.

Here, you can view the number of Lidl grocery stores in each of the countries where it operates:

  • Austria: 230 supermarkets
  • Belgium: 311 supermarkets
  • Bulgaria: 107 supermarkets
  • Croatia: 102 supermarkets
  • Cyprus: 18 supermarkets
  • Czech Republic: 276 supermarkets
  • Denmark: 134 supermarkets
  • Finland: 193 supermarkets
  • France: 1,500 supermarkets
  • Germany: 3,301 supermarkets
  • Greece: 232 supermarkets
  • Hungary: 187 supermarkets
  • Italy: 660 supermarkets
  • Ireland: 202 supermarkets
  • Latvia: 15 supermarkets
  • Lithuania: 59 supermarkets
  • Luxembourg: 10 supermarkets
  • Malta: 12 supermarkets
  • Netherlands: 411 supermarkets
  • Poland: 700 supermarkets
  • Portugal: 260 supermarkets
  • Romania: 291 supermarkets
  • Serbia: 56 supermarkets
  • Slovakia: 132 supermarkets
  • Slovenia: 63 supermarkets
  • Spain: 600 supermarkets
  • Sweden: 171 supermarkets
  • Switzerland: 144 supermarkets
  • United Kingdom: 762 supermarkets
  • United States: 165 supermarkets.

Find Lidl Near Me By Postcode

If you don’t wish to use Google Maps to locate the nearest Lidl stores, you can opt to do so via the official store finder. In order to access the store finder on the Lidl website, you should just click on the following button:


Instructions on How to Find Lidl Near Me

This manual was set up with an aim to assist you in finding the nearest Lidl supermarkets. Here, you can view detailed guidelines on how to find Lidl locations around me in a quick and simple way, as well as how to take advantage of the features offered by Google Maps.

Find your nearest Lidl supermarket by using the map. With so many Lidl locations in the United Kingdom, it might be tough to find one near you. But we recommend you just to look at the map on this page. There, you can observe Lidl supermarkets in your neighborhood and choose which one is best located for you.

Choose a different neighborhood to be shown on the map. You have noticed that the map shows a wrong area? Well, that’s the issue you are capable of solving quickly and easily. For that, you need to click on “View Larger Map.” On the next page, you need just to browse the given map and find the neighborhood you are looking for. At the end, just click on “Search this area.”

Obtain contact info about a single Lidl store. Do you wish to see the address of a definite Lidl store? Actually, you need just to click on that store on the map placed above. If you need to get to know even the phone number of that store, you should click on “View Larger Map” and see the phone number of that location on the next page.

Get directions to your nearest Lidl supermarkets with Google Maps. Having no clue about how to reach a certain Lidl store? Then, just select that store on the map and click on “Directions.” On the next page, you should provide the other point of your journey and see how the Google Maps will build a route for you. Then, you can just choose between different transportation and route options before you start your journey.

Check the opening times of a certain Lidl store. With so many Lidl stores across the country, you cannot expect the opening times to be all the same. That’s why you should know how to check them for a particular Lidl supermarket. For that, just select that grocery on the map and, after it, click on “View Larger Map.” Right after it, you will get to see when that supermarket is actually open.

Save a Lidl store location to your account on Google Maps. Undoubtedly, Google Maps is one of the most useful tools out there, and that’s the place where we can save any location that interests us. In order to save a certain Lidl location, you need to select it on the map and click on “View Larger Map.” Then, you have to just click on the “Save” button on the next page.

Read customer reviews about the Lidl store that interests you. Another great advantage of Google Maps is that you can read customer reviews about any location there. For that, you need to select that grocery on the map and click on “No. reviews” there. Right then, you will get to see the page on which you can read customer reviews about that store!

Use the official store finder to search Lidl near me by postcode. Encountered problems while trying to locate closest Lidl supermarkets by using that map? In that case, you are able to use the official store finder for this purpose. To do this, you need to click on the button that has been placed above. Then, click on “STORE SEARCH” and enter your zip code or town (city) in the new window. And that’s it!

About the Company

Although, Lidl is a discount grocery store, but it’s also so much more. It’s one of the best resources for people who want to live sustainably because it has environmentally-friendly products as well as options for those on a budget.

Even though the roots of this company can be traced back to 1932 – the time when Josef Schwarz had become a partner at Südfrüchte Großhandlung Lidl & Co. and which he later developed into a general food retailer, it is commonly accepted that Lidl was established in 1973. Already in 1977, the company started focusing on discount markets, larger supermarkets, and cash & carry wholesale stores.

Lidl Near Me

Over the years, Lidl has transformed into one of the dominant forces in the European retail industry. At the present time, there are more than 11,200 Lidl supermarkets in 29 countries, as well as 762 stores in the United Kingdom in particular. Actually, there are more than 315,000 employees working for Lidl, and the company’s headquarters is situated in Neckarsulm, Germany.

Actually, Lidl is a German grocery store that has been around for over 50 years. Just like its competitor Aldi, their no-frills approach allows customers to take products directly out of its original delivery box at any time; this cuts down on staffing because there are fewer people needed when you get rid of all these unnecessary extra steps, such as unpacking and refolding items everytime someone wants something new instead!

It is worth to note that, generally, Lidl offers more branded products than Aldi does. And, just like Aldi, Lidl offers weekly specials and discounts, which allow consumers to save even more money.

If you are looking to find out when the nearest Lidl store is open near you, we advise you to check the Lidl opening times as well.

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