
Asda Antrim Superstore is located on Junction One International Outlet in Antrim, Northern Ireland. Actually, the store is located 16 miles northwest of Belfast city centre.

At the time of preparing this info, customers have left favourable reviews about their shopping experience at this store. On Google Maps, this supermarket has received an average rating of 4.1 out of 5 (from 262 reviews).

Store Location in Antrim

Here, you can view this Asda store in Antrim on the map. At this point, you are able to set directions to that store or save the location in your Google account for a later use.


The location’s current address: 150 Junction One International Outlet, Antrim BT41 4GY, Great Britain.

Phone number: +442894485700.

You haven’t found the Asda store you have been looking for? Or you would like to view other locations of this grocer in the UK? In that case, you can find other supermarkets of this company on the Asda Near Me page. Besides, you can also check the Asda opening times on our website.

Asda Antrim Opening Times

Monday 7:00 am – 00:00 am
Tuesday 7:00 am – 00:00 am
Wednesday 7:00 am – 00:00 am
Thursday 7:00 am – 00:00 am
Friday 7:00 am – 00:00 am
Saturday 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Sunday 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm


As you may see here, this Asda store is open from 7am to 00am on weekdays. On weekends, however, the Asda supermarket has shorter hours: from 7am to 10pm on Saturday and from 1pm to 6pm on Sunday.

About Asda

So, Asda is a British chain of supermarkets and grocery stores, which currently has 633 locations in the United Kingdom. Actually, the origins of Asda can be traced back to the early 1920s, when the company was started as a small butcher’s shop in Yorkshire. Today, the company has grown to that impressive number of stores in the UK and is currently employing over 165,000 people.

In fact, Asda supermarkets are known to target mid-end consumers on the grocery market. While offering competitive prices and, at times, mind-blowing deals, Asda offers fresh produce and high-quality products, as well as convenience and a high level of customer service. In particular, you can order grocery delivery from the nearest Asda store.

Indeed, some customers love to shop at this supermarket company for its private label brands, the most famous of which is Asda Smart Price. Actually, the products from that brand line tend to be much cheaper than other branded analogues. Another notable Asda’s brand is Chosen By You, a mid-tier private label brand of Asda.

Besides, one has to point out that many of the company’s locations provide other services as well. For example, most supermarkets feature an Asda café – something that the majority of the customers love so much! Among other things, the company’s supermarkets may feature a petrol station, a pharmacy, and an optician’s cabinet.

Another thing one has to point out is that there are various formats of Asda stores. There are the following types: Supercentres (Walmart-sized big-box retail stores), Superstores (smaller than Supercentres but bigger than supermarkets), Supermarkets, and Asda Living (stores that sell general merchandise instead of food).

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